Results-Focused Attorneys

Will your insurance company treat you right after a claim?

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2020 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Car insurance is something you buy for protection. You hope you never have to file a claim, but there’s no way of knowing what the future will bring. Should the time come to file a car insurance claim, it’s critical that you take the right steps at the right time.

While you have to put some level of trust in your insurance company, including your agent, you don’t want to give them all the power. If you do, you may soon find that they’re taking advantage of you.

Here are three things you can do to protect yourself:

  • Don’t say too much: When you first call your agent to file a claim, stick to the basics. You don’t have to get into the finer details of the accident, such as who was at fault or what type of injuries you sustained.
  • Don’t provide a written or recorded statement: There may come a point when you need to do this, but don’t get ahead of yourself. Should your agent ask you to make a written or recorded statement, tell them you’re not comfortable doing so until you review your policy and speak with an attorney. This will protect you, while also showing your agent that you mean business.
  • Don’t accept a final payment: For example, your insurance company may throw out a low ball offer in the hope that you accept it. They know that you’re vulnerable, and they’ll do whatever they can to use that to their advantage. If you receive a check marked as final payment, consider is that. Don’t cash it until you have every intention of closing your claim and moving on.

The biggest mistake you can make is assuming that your insurance agent is on your side. Even if you get along and you trust them, they will always do what’s best for their business.

So, if you need to file an insurance claim, review your policy to better understand your coverage. From there, you can decide which steps to take, how to protect your legal rights and what you can to do to obtain all the compensation you deserve.
