Results-Focused Attorneys

A Lot Is at Stake in Unpaid Wage Claims

Employees who are successful in unpaid wage claims against their employers can force their employers to pay years’ worth of back wages. The state can force employers to pay back twice the amount of wages deemed unpaid and can also impose thousands of dollars in penalties. Employers may even face a class action lawsuit from an entire department or workforce.

The skilled employment law attorneys at Pincus & Currier LLP represent West Palm Beach employers in unpaid wage claims that allege violations of Florida or federal minimum wage or overtime laws. Let us help keep you in compliance with federal and Florida wage and hour laws and provide strong, insightful representation in the case of litigation.

Concerned about legal expenses? Consider our affordable employer counseling legal services.

What Are Florida’s Minimum Wage Laws?

Under the Florida Minimum Wage Act (FMWA), employers may not pay their workers less than the Florida minimum wage of $8.25 an hour. Additionally, companies may not discriminate or retaliate against workers for making a complaint regarding their pay. Workers who successfully sue for FMWA violations can receive double the amount of unpaid wages plus have their attorney’s fees and costs of the lawsuit paid by the employer. They can also achieve reinstatement to their former position. Finally, employers face a penalty of up to $1,000.

Understanding Overtime Pay in Florida

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), workers are entitled to overtime pay at the rate of one and one-half times their regular rate for every hour worked over 40 hours in a workweek. However, not all workers qualify for overtime. Deciding whether an employee is exempt from overtime or whether a worker is an independent contractor is not a simple matter. Our lawyers can help make sure that you classify your employees correctly and pay them adequately. We can also represent you in dealings with the Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division or in court.

When So Much Is at Stake, Get Our Legal Help

To avoid expensive lawsuits and penalties, work with our team of skilled labor law attorneys. Call Pincus & Currier LLP at 561-485-4291 for help in West Palm Beach or Florida statewide. You can also reach our law firm online.