Results-Focused Attorneys

How long will you wait when filing a homeowner’s insurance claim?

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2022 | HOA Law |

There are numerous reasons why individuals in Florida might need to file a claim against their homeowner’s insurance coverage. Perhaps they had thieves target their home, and there are broken windows in addition to missing property. Maybe a major storm blew through and damaged the roof.

Regardless of the reason why a property owner needs to file a homeowner’s insurance claim, they should be able to depend on the insurance company fulfilling its obligations to them. Timely payment on major claims is critical to those dealing with damaged homes or missing property.

If you have already gone over your policy paperwork to verify that your claim falls under the coverage that you currently have and you have the necessary documentation of those losses, including specialized paperwork potentially required by your insurance company, how long will you have to wait for the insurance company to resolve your claim?

You should have communication within the first 30 days

Typically, insurance providers should be able to reach a determination about your claim within 30 days, and if they are capable of doing so, then they should make every effort to resolve the claim quickly.

At the very least, you should receive a document explaining your right during the claims process within 14 days of contacting the company and a letter explaining the status of your claim or possibly that the company is mid-investigation and will contact you when they complete that process, within 30 days of filing paperwork with the insurance company.

State law gives the insurance company 90 days after receiving the claim to fully settle it and make the necessary payment to the policyholder or the service providers involved with the repairs to their property.

What if the insurance company doesn’t pay?

Unfortunately, while you may diligently send in your check for your coverage every year, your insurance company made begrudge you the protection that you have paid for and now require. Bad faith insurance practices put policyholders at a disadvantage and may in fact be a violation of state and federal laws.

Notifying the insurance company when they have violated your rights and taking action if they do not immediately resolve the issue can force them into compliance and get you the coverage you need. Learning more about the Florida laws that regulate homeowner’s insurance claims and bad faith insurance issues will make it easier for you to connect with the coverage you deserve.
