Results-Focused Attorneys

Making an insurance claim after a hit-and-run crash

On Behalf of | Sep 23, 2024 | Insurance Law |

Florida state laws mandate that motorists purchase car insurance. Every driver has to carry at the very least a minimum amount of insurance coverage in case they cause a crash causing damages and no-fault personal injury protection (PIP) coverage in case someone in their vehicle sustains an injury.

In many car crash cases involving substantial property damage and significant injuries, the liability protection of the driver at fault for the crash pays for the majority of the expenses. However, that is not always what happens. Sometimes, people involved in a crash cannot hold the driver who caused the wreck accountable because they flee the scene of the collision.

The law in Florida requires that people stop to check on the other people involved in a collision and to report crashes that produce property damage or injuries. Those involved in hit-and-run crashes who cannot locate the other driver may be unsure of what options they have.

How can insurance help you if you are involved in a hit-and-run collision?

Support depends on the coverage carried

The good news for Florida drivers is that your no-fault PIP coverage applies regardless of the circumstances of the crash. The motorist who carries the policy and anyone else in their vehicle can make a claim under the PIP coverage to pay for medical expenses and possibly cover a portion of their lost wages.

Although many drivers have $10,000 in PIP coverage, this may not be nearly enough for medical expenses or lost wages, let alone both. You may need additional compensation.

Car owners could potentially have other forms of coverage that could help them or their passengers after a hit-and-run crash. Many drivers add uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage to their policies. This type of supplemental coverage can pay for the losses that would have been covered by the other driver’s policy if the adverse driver had not fled the scene of the accident.

Uninsured motorist coverage is available after a hit-and-run crash just as it would be after a crash caused by a driver with a lapsed insurance policy. In some cases, such as when people finance their vehicles, they may have collision coverage on their insurance policy. Collision coverage can help pay for damage to your car that you  otherwise might not be able to recoup because the adverse driver fled the scene of the accident.

Those involved in hit-and-run incidents may need help documenting what occurred and reviewing their insurance coverage. They may also need assistance filing an insurance claim and negotiating a settlement. Having the right assistance increases the chances of a favorable outcome after a hit-and-run crash in Florida. We are available to assist you in the unfortunate event you are involved in a hit-and-run crash.
